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06-19 / 2023

Alliage d’aluminium à haute teneur en silicium Zuoyuan

Matériau en alliage d’aluminium à haute teneur en silicium Zuoyuan (teneur en silicium 27% -70%), rentable, haute praticabilité, en augmentant la sursaturation de Si dans la matrice d’aluminium, le matériau composite de matrice d’aluminium renforcé de particules de silicium formées. Des matériaux en alliage d’aluminium à haute teneur en silicium avec différentes propriétés peuvent être obtenus en ajustant la fraction volumique du silicium, avec un faible coefficient de dilatation thermique CTE
07-29 / 2022

Teneur élevée en silicium (AlSi, Si ≥ 40 %) comme substrat miroir pour l’optique métallique cryogénique haute performance

Metal optics made of Aluminium 6061 have been widely used to fulfill the demands of an athermal instrument design. Diamond turned metal mirrors are standard optical components in mid infrared astronomical instrumentations working at cryogenic temperatures. Structures and optics can be made from the same material (aluminium) to avoid thermal stress due to different CTEs. However, surface roughness, scattering beh
12-19 / 2021

Alliage d’aluminium à ultra haute résistance-ZY7055

Tianjin Zuoyuan ultra high strength aluminum alloy offer highest mechanical properties possible in aluminium. They form the gap between conventional aluminium and titanium. ZY-7055 ALUMINUM ALLOY is a well balanced alloy combining high strength and fatigue performance with good ductility and fair corrosion behaviour. PRODUCT SHOWCASE   MACHINABILITY
Alliage Al-50%Si pour boîtiers RF/micro-ondes
06-19 / 2022

Alliage Al-50%Si pour boîtiers RF/micro-ondes

Silicon-aluminum alloys have the outstanding properties,such as adjustable low coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) with a value of 7~17 ppm/ by controllable the contents of silicon and aluminum,high thermal conductivity of >120W/m.K,low density of 2.43~2.6g/cc,good manufacturability(maching and plating with Au/Ni/Ti/Ag).Therefore,the AlSi alloys have a wide range of applications for electronic and allied demandi
Nouveau matériau de boîtier Si-Al dans l’emballage électronique moderne
05-21 / 2022

Nouveau matériau de boîtier Si-Al dans l’emballage électronique moderne

Plus concerned were be pressed for the high reliability hermetic packages which acting as a key  component in microwave devices for defense and avionics industries,due to the electronic devices are developing towards miniaturization,lightweight,high-frequency working and high-efficient density,multifunctional and high reliability.As a key factor,using excellent and new electronic packages material are an effecti
Manchons de cylindre en alliage Al-25% Si à vendre
04-19 / 2022

Manchons de cylindre en alliage Al-25% Si à vendre

Competitive advantages of using the hypereutectic Si-Al alloys cylinder sleeves in engine components: A lightweight cylinder block can be achieved. In comparision of cast iron cylinder liner,the thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion is far higher and greater than that of cast iron ones,a good tight contact between the cylinder liner and cylinder block body can be achieved upon temperature el
Boîtiers optiques en alliage Al-50%Si
03-17 / 2022

Boîtiers optiques en alliage Al-50%Si

Tianjin Zuoyuan company provides a wide range of controlled expansion Al-Si alloys products which possess the light weight-low expansion-high thermal conductivity features,such as the AlSi50(Si-50%Al) alloy optical housings for aerospace field.   We provide expertise in manufacturing the controlled expansion Si/Al alloy products by offering a wide variety of raw materials,in order to reduce the weight
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